-Erika Dates Webber was born in 1972 in the USA
-Attended Morgan State University
-Established the Social Butterflies Mentoring Program
-Married former professional NBA player Chris Webber in 2009
-Net Worth estimated at over $1 million

Known for movies

Short Info

FactMember of Operettszínház, Budapest, Hungary.

Who is Chris Webber’s wife Erika Dates?

Erika Dates Webber was born on the 30th January 1972 in the USA; the actual place of her birth is unknown in the media. She is probably best recognized for being the current wife of former professional National Basketball Association player Chris Webber. She is also known as the President of Social Butterflies Mentoring Program.

Before Fame and Career

Erika went to Morgan State University.

To speak further, Erika is a very charitable personality, as she established the Social Butterflies Mentoring Program, which helps young girls who hail from low-income families to succeed in their careers after school.

Popularity through Marriage

Erika is known through marriage to Chris Webber, who is known all over the world for being a (now ex-) professional National Basketball Association player. She met him in 2007 and they soon started dating. The couple eventually married in a private ceremony in September of 2009. After trying for several years, they became parents of twins in June of 2017.

Erika Dates Net Worth and Assets

Over $1 million, but her husband has wealth estimated at ~$140 million.


1Member of Operettszínház, Budapest, Hungary.
2Hungarian dubbing voice of: - Dana Scully ('Gillian Anderson') in The X-Files (1993) -- Janice (Maggie Wheeler) in Friends (1994)



Stop Mom Theresa!2004Második nõ az étteremben
The Princess and the Pea2002Helsa (Hungarian version, voice)
Glóbusz1993TV Series
Ha már itt a tél1991TV MovieCsöpi
Zenés TV színház1987TV SeriesTitkárnõ


Magyarország, szeretlek!2011TV SeriesHerself

Source: IMDb, Wikipedia

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